Auto Repair Shop Insurance provided by Altima Auto Insurance Agency .
Businesses that have a physical location such as a garage, parking lot or storage area used to repair or store vehicles usually need garage insurance. This includes:
Automotive repair shops, car mechanics and auto body shops are not only entrusted to fix their customers’ cars, but they are also entrusted to keep those cars safe while in their control. In addition, auto repair shops face the following types of business risk:
You need a variety of business insurance policies to protect your business from these risks. In addition, garage liability insurance and garage keepers insurance help you protect your customers’ property and your business in the wake of accidents, injuries or property damage.
What are the different types of Auto Repair Shop Insurance coverages?
Since garages vary significantly in the services they provide, you must work with independent insurance agent to determine if you need some type of specialty insurance product.Â
Some of the insurance coverage you should consider are
These special products combine relevant business insurance policies into one comprehensive package that includes coverage such as the following:
To learn more about what we can do for your auto service and repair shop, call us today !